Last edited 17 Feb 2022

Measuring the ROI of construction content marketing


[edit] Introduction

Construction marketing has evolved significantly in recent years. Today campaigns are surgically targeted, planned, and tracked, but many construction product businesses are not confident about how to measure the effects of their content marketing efforts. In fact, 65% of marketers can’t quantitatively demonstrate the impact of their marketing.

[edit] How to calculate ROI from content marketing

A widely recognised method to calculate content marketing ROI is; return subtracted by total investment, divided by investment, expressed as a percentage:

For example, If you spend £500 creating a content marketing campaign that results in deals worth £2000, then your ROI is 300%.

(Return) £2000 – (Investment) £500 = £1500
£1500 / £500 = 3
3 x 100% = 300% (ROI)

[edit] The hidden aspect of content marketing ROI

At first, the formula seems simple, however, there is an issue. The calculation is from the total investment — not just the cost of one piece of content or a particular campaign. This means you will not be able to completely understand the ROI of a particular campaign unless you have a CMS (Content Management System) which offers that level of data.

A content marketing campaign is only as effective as the CMS it’s underpinned by. For example, HubSpot is widely recognised as one of the most dynamic and robust CMS platforms. It allows you to log the budget of each content marketing campaign produce, along with detailing their attribution, thus giving a greater understanding of content marketing ROI.

So in short, the calculation works better with an effective CMS.

[edit] Monitoring your metrics

It is essential to track key performance indicators (KPI) regularly, ideally on a monthly basis initially, then adjusting the timeline later, if necessary.

Once KPI’s have been selected, track the performance of every content asset or campaign published against those benchmarks. Building dashboards is the best way to do this - showing all data in one place.

--Insynth 15:40, 06 Dec 2021 (BST)

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